Everyone talks about branding these days, though few will follow through. Establishing a great brand at the beginning of your business or enterprise will save you a great deal of money and time in the future. Your established brand makes future decisions easier. You businesses brand is your handshake with the customer or client - your one best first impression.
So what is a brand? It is not just an eye-catching logo, though that is very important. It is the whole personality and culture of your organization. It is what makes you instantly recognizable in your particular marketplace. Whether a renewable energy company, an annual event, a professional office or the newest coffee shop in your town - your logo / brand attracts customers and either confirms or deludes their first impression. You are either on brand, or not.
Anvil Graphics can help you design the imagery, colors, words and overall look of your business or organization. We will work closely with you to develop a brand which stands out to customers, and helps define your market personality.
Consistency is free. Once you have put your best foot forward with a great brand concept, we will help lower costs by adhering to the brand. If a new customer comes to us with an established brand, Anvil is not quick to throw all that out. We will embrace a good brand and build on the time and hard work you have already put in. We are also honest with you about design choices, and will help you get on the right path as quickly as possible. We do all this by meeting and listening to you, and learning what makes your business special and unique, so that you can stand out in the business community.
Anvil has done quite a lot of work for non-profit organizations to help them either connect with stakeholders and donors, or to reach out for new sources of funding. We enjoy working with community based organizations on projects of shared interest, and go the extra mile to make sure your brand handshake is authentic and inviting.
Craig McDowall, owner
6 Penny Lane
Perryville, MD. 21903
Email > craig (((at))) anvilgraphics.comĀ
Skype or Zoom upon request.
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